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      DONVAK-MIX INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE COMPANY was established in 2001 in Donetsk city, Ukraine. The enterprise united the highskilled specialists with a vast experience in major refractory and chemical enterprises of Ukraine.
       The Company was stablished for development, industrial production and introduction of high-  quality unmolded magnesian (basic) refractories at metallurgical enterprises. The production capacities  of the Company are in the production site of "Krasnogorovsky refractory plant" Public Joint-Stock  Company, Krasnogorovka town, Donetsk region, Ukraine. The production potential allows output of  more than 3 thousand tons of unmolded refractories per month.
      Over its history DONVAK-MIX ITC expanded its range of products considerably, mastered the  new types of basic products: plasticized powders and mortar powders, unmolded refractories with  chemical binder and other additives introduced into the composition, finished powders for lining of induction furnaces, fused material based powders, unmolded alumina-silicate and magnesia-silicate refractories, refractory mortar powders for converter process and refractory magnesian concrete. Production output of unmolded refractories increased several times since the Company started to function; the partnership relations were cultivated with the most major enterprises of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine, Russian Federation and other CIS countries; deliveries were effected to the far-abroad countries; around 50 % of the products are exported; more than one hundred and fifty enterprises are consumers of our products. The production facilities of the Company have a considerable potential enabling to pursue an aggressive marketing policy oriented on attraction of new consumers.
       Our expanded range of products as a result of development and introduction of their new types  into the production enables DONVAK-MIX ITC to diversify the sphere of application of the  products considerably  which at the moment find demand both in various metallurgical facilities and  in the power engineering, mechanical engineering, foundry industry, production of construction  materials and construction glass and  other industries.
       DONVAK-MIX ITC together with "Krasnogorovsky refractory plant" PJSC commissioned  stage-by- stage two process lines for production of multicomponent refractory mixes based on  periclase and other raw material components to improve the production process and expand the  nomenclature of the products. The new process line comprises the hardware system consisting of  crushing, screening, grinding, batching and mixing units for materials enabling to produce virtually any grain size in fraction and achieve the required number of close-cut powder fractions (including flour) and prepare unmolded refractories with any number of components. The capacity of the lines is about two thousand tons of products per year. A number of processing measures were taken in different periods allowing increase of output and improvement of quality of the products: installation of new drying drum in one of the process lines, scheduled renewal of electrical and mechanical equipment in all process lines, capacities of screening units are extended, two storages for raw material with the total capacity of several thousand tons were built. At present the products of DONVAK-MIX ITC is supplied to consumers by rail and road vehicles in packing: soft polypropylene disposable containers, i.e. big bags with the capacity of 1 ton with polyethylene liner and fifty kilogram polypropylene bags with polyethylene liner. The orders of bulk product shipment may be executed as well. To increase production output purchase of equipment is planned in 2013, as well as installation and commissioning of the third process line for production of multicomponent refractory mixes that will enable not only satisfy applications according to the signed contracts completely, but to attract new customers too.
      Production of new unmolded refractories with the multicomponent composition based on fused periclase, alumina-containing components, chemical binders and other raw materials was mastered on the commissioned equipment. They pursue the objective to replace more expensive imported mixtures. Application of the produced refractory mixes is especially effective in steelmaking and foundry of the metallurgical and mechanical engineering enterprises equipped with induction crucible furnaces and channel ovens. The research work directed to improvement of operational properties of our products is carried on continuously with participation of our customers, specialized research institutes and engineering companies of Ukraine.
      DONVAK-MIX ITC technical service together with involved specialized engineering companies renders presales and post-sales information support providing recommendations for application, technical advises, as wellas immediate introduction of the products in the processes and visit of the specialists to the customers' test sites.
      The standardized documents specified by the State Committee for Standardization (Gosstandard) of Ukraine and the sanitary and epidemiological inspection reports issued by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Services of Ukraine and Russian Federation are available for all produced refractories. The produced refractories are tested and  their quality is inspected in the accredited laboratory of "Krasnogorovsky refractory plant"  Public Joint-Stock Company.
      At present with the purpose to optimize delivery of the products to the customers in  Ukraine and CIS countries DONVAK-MIX organized large-scale deliveries to the addresses of  regional dealers in the Ukraine, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Republic of  Moldova.
      DONVAK-MIX INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE COMPANY welcomes different  specialized  ordersfrom customers and will consider all your requests and proposals for  production of both existing and new types of refractories.

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